How To: Twitter

How To: Twitter

30th Aug 2021

If you’re seeing the blog post, I doubt this is the first time you’ve read a post on our blog: CottonVille Cuts. To get the word out there about our blog, we have actually given CottonVille Cuts its very own twitter account. 

Quilting twitter is a pretty fun and vibrant side of twitter. If you search #quilting you’ll find so many other inspirational blog posts, as well as people sharing what they have been working on recently. It’s a fun time, and if you’re into sewing, I would highly recommend getting on Twitter. 

You might be thinking, “That sounds great, but I don’t know the first thing about getting started.” If that’s the case, I’m glad you’re here and I will walk you through it. If you already feel pretty Twitter-savvy, stick around as I will give you a few tips on how to get involved with quilting or sewing twitter specifically. 

First, you’ll either want to go to or download the twitter app to your device. Once there, you can make an account by typing in your email address and password. After that, simply follow what Twitter tells you to do! 

Now you may be wondering, “Ok, I’m on twitter, but how do I see the tweets I want to see and not just super random tweets.” 

I’m so glad you asked! Go to the search bar and search whatever your main interest is. If it’s quilting, search #quilting. It will immediately bring up some top pages in that area, as well as some of the latest and most popular tweets about said topic. Get to work following any pages that strike your fancy, as well as liking or retweeting tweets. Likes show that you like the post, while retweets actually put the tweet on your own page. It’s a fun way to keep together the things that excite you.

(As you're going through this step, obviously follow @cottoncuts). We do a challenge every week where if you tweet what you’ve been working on and use #cottoncutscreates, we give away a fat quarter bundle every Friday to someone we choose. Join twitter, get free fabric! What more could you want?

Finally, if you feel comfortable, get started on sharing your favorite projects or insights to the world, and get your friends on it so you can all have a new avenue to share your amazing creations.

We are so excited for our growing twitter community and can’t wait for you to be a part of it! If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to comment with questions or concerns. Thanks! 

Happy tweeting!