Color Challenge Cards

Color Challenge Cards

15th Aug 2020

If you are a Cotton Cuts subscription box or Puzzle Mystery Quilt member, you have probably noticed the #cccolorchallenge card in your shipments.

Coloring cards are a great way to try out quilt ideas before cutting into your fabric. Plus, who doesn’t love to color? Joanne joins us today to share how she uses the coloring cards.

As a team member, I have packed the cards in the boxes but never actually colored any myself until this past week. I had an idea of making a nine patch quilt with my son’s initials and this was a great way to plan it out and consider colors. Now it will be easier to move forward with this design and start choosing my fabric.

I found it relaxing in the evening to sit back with some colored pencils and color in a new design. On another card, I used my markers to try out bold colors next to soft colors to see how different the design would look. It was interesting to see some secondary patterns emerging as I colored the cards.

I shared a card with my sister to see what a seasoned quilter would come up with for a design. She was interested in trying out how color values worked in her design. She came up with this purple pattern.

I like how the darker color pops out and the lighter shadows the pattern. It would be so pretty for a baby quilt.

For the last card, I used markers and picked out colors that appealed to me at the moment. I had no plan when I started and it was rewarding to see how the colors came together and a pattern emerged. I found it interesting how the blue really took the eye across the quilt pattern. When I laid all the cards out to admire, my sewing buddy, Reggie picked this one as his favorite. I think he had a different idea of how to use the card. In the end he traded it back to me for a treat, his game of choice in the sewing room.

So next time you open your Cotton Cuts package, I would encourage you to take out your markers or crayons and have some fun designing! Be sure to post your pics to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #CCColorChallenge by the 15th of the month for a chance to win a FREE Chroma Petite Box.